Friday, June 10, 2016

102 Things I Learned From Freshman Year

(Freshman year may have been better than expected)

  1. Being a freshman doesn't make you less than anyone else. (And it's not okay for anyone to treat you that way)
  2. Upperclassmen are mean & scary
  3. Not all upperclassmen are mean & scary
  4. Not all your friends will be the same age as you (and that's okay)
  5. Go to sleep early (you'll thank yourself in the morning)
  6. Not everyone is who they say they are
  7. Not everyone is worthy of you and your friendship
  8. Have friends that appreciate you & make you feel that way
  9. Don't be a flake
  10. Don't be a fake
  11. Hurt people hurt people
  12. Never jump to conclusions
  13. Some pain will never go away
  14. Pride comes before the fall
  15. Be there for your friends
  16. Go outside
  17. Don't always be on your phone
  18. Make sure the people you love, know you love them
  19. You never know when it's your last moment with someone. Make each one count
  20. Laugh
  21. Cry
  22. Scream
  23. Feel
  24. Don't try to block out the inevitable feelings.
  25. Go to Disney
  26. When God speaks to you, don't ignore  Him
  27. Wear sunscreen
  28. Liv it up!
  29. Take pictures
  30. Lots and lots of pictures
  31. Hug the people you care about
  32. Give the benefit of the doubt
  33. Go to Taco Bell
  34. Hold hands. With your mom, dad, brother, sister, friend--whoever--it's not childish
  35. Your parents are cooler than you
  36. Shut up for once and listen to what other people have to say
  37. Don't always say what comes to your mind
  38. Have good friends
  39. Not everyone is out to get you
  40. Hold that baby, it won't be a baby for long
  41. Try new things
  42. Don't be sorry for who you are
  43. Not everyone is going to like you, and that's okay
  44. You're not going to like everyone, and that's okay
  45. You don't have to have a boyfriend, being single is perfectly fine
  46. It's okay to not be okay
  47. Travel
  48. Don't be the friend that dumps her friends for a guy
  49. Having a crush is okay complicated & confusing
  50. Write
  51. Read
  52. Thank God
  53. Everyone is still figuring themselves out--just like you
  54. You will never be alone
  55. Sometimes, hope is found in the most peculiar places
  56. There will always be someone who is prettier, skinnier, or more popular than you
  57. Smile
  58. Prayers do get answered
  59. Be a noticer
  60. The World does not revolve around you, despite what you may think
  61. Screw the kids who think they're better than you because of age
  62. Everyone cares what other people think about them, and that's okay
  63. Don't dwell in the past
  64. Wear something nice once in a while
  65. Celebrate your friends & your differences
  66. Be a support system
  67. It sucks when someone else dates the guy you like, but you'll get over it, I promise
  68. Be intentional
  69. Some friendships/relationships won't last
  70. Don't delete pictures with your ex off of social media. That person was a part of your life, whether you like it now or not. Plus it's petty & immature
  71. Be loyal. 
  72. Sarcasm is fun, but too much can cause problems.
  73. The person who says nothing hurts their feelings, has probably had their heart broken too many times.
  74. Be considerate
  75. Read your Bible
  76. Talk to God.
  77. The pain you're feeling right now, is not who you are.
  78. You will fight with people. Be the mature one.
  79. Don't take sides when your friends fight
  80. Just because you're hurting doesn't mean you have to make other people feel the same way too
  81. Someone understands
  82. Peer pressure isn't cool. Don't succumb to it, and don't participate in making someone else feel pressured.
  83. Be yourself
  84. Sing LOUD
  85. Surround yourself with people who build you up, love you, care about you, appreciate you & want the best for you
  86. Even though middle schoolers "suck" (not really), remember you were one once, and remember how you felt.
  87. Everyone deserves to be loved
  88. Be kind to everyone
  89. Be nicer to your brother
  90. Family gatherings can be terrible and will stay that way unless you think positively.
  91. Make your instagram captions punny & clever
  92. Actions speak louder than words
  93. Sometimes people just really need to know what you think
  94. Sometimes people just really don't need to know what you think
  95. Don't let people treat you like you are less than them
  96. Don't treat people like they are less than you
  97. Drink lots of water
  98. Surprise your friends
  99. Support your friends--Cheer them on
  100. Some days are going to suck. Not all days
  101. Eat lots of tacos and pizza
  102. This is the only life you get. Make the most of it.

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