Thursday, February 2, 2012

Devotion's With My Mom

This Bible Verse is one we should use daily

I am giving you a new commandment: love each other, just as I have loved you.
JOHN 13:34

So... pretty cool huh?

Don't You think we should use that every single day.. Even if we don't like the person:)
Does it look like that happens. NO NO and No.
But if we try to then think of what the world would be like,

Ahhhh Sounds like heaven huh??? Well, it is!

Love Each other. Not hate each other, not I'll love him,her,him And him. But definitely not him Or her they're too weird.

Whoa!!  You guys need to get off the crazy train,
it says LOVE EACH OTHER OK!!!!
So Try that...and I will too!

                              This has been:
                              Devo With Boons!